• 11:30

    NY Fed Treasury Purchases TIPS 1 to 7.5 yrs

  • 10:00

    6-Month BTF Auction

  • 10:00

    3-Month BTF Auction

  • 10:00

    12-Month BTF Auction

  • 08:00

    Consumer Confidence


    In Mexico, the Consumer Confidence Index (ICC) measures the current perception and future expectations that people have about their economic situation, their family and the country in general, in respect to the purchase of consumption durables and non-durables, as well as employment, inflation and savings. The index is based on a sample of 2336 households located in the 32 major cities of the country. The ICC has a base of 100 as of January of 2003, levels above 100 indicate optimism, 100 neutrality and below 100 pessimism.

  • 08:00

    Auto Production YoY


    In Mexico, Car Production refers to total production of vehicles.

  • 08:00

    Auto Exports YoY


    In Mexico, auto exports refers to total exports of vehicles.

  • 07:30

    BCB Focus Market Readout

    In Brazil, interest rate decisions are taken by The Central Bank of Brazil's Monetary Policy Committee (COPOM). The official interest rate is the Special System of Clearance and Custody rate (SELIC) which is the overnight lending rate.

  • 07:30

    BoE Broadbent Speech

    In the United Kingdom, benchmark interest rate is set by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC). The Bank of England official interest rate is the repo rate. This repo rate applies to open market operations of the Bank of England with a group of counterparties (banks, building societies, securities firms).

  • 06:30

    New Car Registrations YoY


  • 06:30

    LMI Logistics Managers Index Current


    The Logistics Managers Survey is a monthly study aimed a revealing the status of US logistics activity. The LMI score is a combination of eight unique components that make up the logistics industry, including: inventory levels and costs, warehousing capacity, utilization, and prices, and transportation capacity, utilization, and prices. The LMI is calculated using a diffusion index, in which any reading above 50 percent indicates that logistics is expanding; a reading below 50 percent is indicative of a shrinking logistics industry. .

  • 06:00

    GDP Growth Rate YoY


    In Greece, household consumption is the main component of GDP and accounts for 72 percent of its total use, followed by government expenditure (20 percent) and gross fixed capital formation (12 percent). Exports of goods and services account for 33 percent of GDP while imports account for 35 percent, subtracting 2 percent of total GDP.

  • 06:00

    GDP Growth Rate QoQ


    Greece has a service based economy and is one of the top tourist destinations in the world. Following the entry to the European Union in 1980 and the Euro Area in 2000, the Greek economy had been recording high rates of growth. Yet, as this expansion had been fueled mainly by the access to cheap credit and growth of public sector, in 2008 the budget deficit and sovereign debt reached unsustainable levels. As a result, Greece faced the worst crisis since 1974 and tough reforms enforced by the IMF and the European Commission as part of the bailout programme are taking place.

  • 05:30

    Construction PMI


    In the United Kingdom, the Markit / Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply Purchasing Managers Index measures the performance of the construction sector and is derived from a survey of 170 construction companies.

  • 05:00

    New Car Sales YoY


    In the United Kingdom, Car Registrations refers to total registration of new passenger cars.

  • 05:00

    Retail Sales MoM


    In Italy, the Retail sales report provides an aggregated measure of sales of retail goods and services over a specific time period. In Italy, Retail sales are seasonal, volatile and relatively important to the overall economy.

  • 05:00

    Retail Sales YoY


    In Italy, the year-over-year change in Retail sales compares the aggregated sales of retail goods and services during a certain month to the same month a year ago.

  • 04:30

    Construction PMI


    The Germany Construction Purchasing Managers’ Index® is based on original survey data collected from a representative panel of over 200 companies based in the German construction sector. Data are collected at mid-month, asking respondents to compare a variety of construction conditions with the situation one month ago. A reading of below 50.0 indicates that the construction activity is generally declining, above 50.0 that it is generally expanding and exactly 50.0 indicates no change on the level recorded the previous month.

  • 04:30

    Construction PMI


    Data are collected at mid-month, asking respondents to compare a variety of business conditions with the situation one month ago. A reading of below 50.0 indicates that the economy is generally declining, above 50.0 that it is generally expanding and exactly 50.0 indicates no change on the level recorded the previous month.

  • 04:30

    Construction PMI


    Data are collected at mid-month, asking respondents to compare a variety of business conditions with the situation one month ago. A reading of below 50.0 indicates that the economy is generally declining, above 50.0 that it is generally expanding and exactly 50.0 indicates no change on the level recorded the previous month.

  • 04:30

    Foreign Exchange Reserves


    In Hong Kong, Foreign Exchange Reserves are the foreign assets held or controlled by the country central bank. The reserves are made of gold or a specific currency. They can also be special drawing rights and marketable securities denominated in foreign currencies like treasury bills, government bonds, corporate bonds and equities and foreign currency loans.

  • 04:30

    Construction PMI


    Survey responses reflect the change, if any, in the current month compared to the previous month based on data collected mid-month. For each of the indicators the ‘Report' shows the percentage reporting each response, the net difference between the number of higher/better responses and lower/worse responses, and the ‘diffusion' index. This index is the sum of the positive responses plus a half of those responding ‘the same'. Diffusion indexes have the properties of leading indicators and are convenient summary measures showing the prevailing direction of change. An index reading above 50 indicates an overall increase in that variable, below 50 an overall decrease.

  • 04:30

    Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes

    In Sweden, benchmark interest rate is set by the Executive Board of the Central Bank of Sweden (The Riksbank). The main interest rate is the repo rate which is the rate of interest at which banks can borrow or deposit funds at the Riksbank for a period of seven days. The Riksbank's target is to hold inflation in terms of the CPIF (the CPI with a fixed interest rate) around 2 percent a year.

  • 04:00

    Wholesale Prices YoY


    The wholesale price index reflects the prices trends for goods that are sold by wholesale enterprises. The prices of the 387 items contained in the basket of goods are surveyed at around 200 wholesale enterprises, which voluntarily provide approximately 1400 wholesale selling prices (exclusive VAT) every month.

  • 04:00

    Wholesale Prices MoM


    The wholesale price index reflects the prices trends for goods that are sold by wholesale enterprises. The prices of the 387 items contained in the basket of goods are surveyed at around 200 wholesale enterprises, which voluntarily provide approximately 1400 wholesale selling prices (exclusive VAT) every month.

  • 04:00

    Real Wages YoY


    In Czech Republic, Real Wage Growth measures the year-on-year change in average gross monthly wage per full-time equivalent employee adjusted for inflation.

  • 04:00

    Retail Sales YoY


    In Czech Republic, the year-over-year change in Retail sales compares the aggregated sales of retail goods and services during a certain month to the same month a year ago.

  • 04:00

    Retail Sales MoM


    In Czech Republic, the Retail sales report provides an aggregated measure of sales of retail goods and services over a specific time period. In Czech Republic, Retail sales are seasonal, volatile and relatively important to the overall economy.

  • 03:00

    Factory Orders MoM


    Factory Orders in Germany are reported using monthly changes in the volume of new orders received by manufacturers. Factory Order figures in Germany can be very volatile and misleading because they are heavily affected by geopolitical events, temporary shocks in demand and business deals which may only happen once.

  • 08:30

    ANZ Job Advertisements MoM


    In Australia, job advertisements measure the number of jobs advertised in the major daily newspapers and internet sites covering the capital cities.

  • 08:00

    Eurogroup Meeting

  • 08:00

    ANZ Commodity Prices YoY


  • 08:00

    TD-MI Inflation Gauge MoM


    In Australia, the Melbourne Institute Monthly Inflation Gauge estimates month-to-month price movements for a wide range of goods and services across the capital cities of Australia. It aims to provide financial markets and policy-makers with regular updates on trends in inflation. The report is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ methodology for calculating the quarterly consumer price index.

  • 08:00

    Constitution Day

  • 08:00

    Independence Day