• 11:30

    2-Year FRN Auction


  • 10:30

    EIA Crude Oil Stocks Change

    Stocks of crude oil refer to the weekly change of the crude oil supply situation.

  • 10:30

    EIA Gasoline Stocks Change

    Stocks of gasoline refers to the weekly change of the gasoline supply situation.

  • 10:30

    EIA Refinery Crude Runs Change

    Crude Runs refer to the volume of crude oil consumed by refineries.

  • 10:30

    EIA Heating Oil Stocks Change

  • 10:30

    EIA Gasoline Production Change

  • 10:30

    EIA Distillate Stocks Change

  • 10:30

    EIA Distillate Fuel Production Change

  • 10:30

    EIA Cushing Crude Oil Stocks Change

    Change in the number of barrels of crude oil held in storage at the Cushing, Oklahoma during the past week.

  • 10:30

    EIA Crude Oil Imports Change

  • 10:00

    Current Account


    Current Account is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor income (such as interest and dividends) and net transfer payments (such as foreign aid).

  • 09:00

    Business Confidence


    In Belgium, the business confidence survey measures the level of optimism that people who run companies have about the current economic situation and how they feel about their organizations’ prospects in the next three months. Every month, a panel of around 6000 business leaders is contacted.

  • 08:30

    Current Account

    Current Account is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor income (such as interest and dividends) and net transfer payments (such as foreign aid).

  • 08:30

    Foreign Direct Investment

    In Brazil, Foreign Direct Investment refers to net inflows of foreign direct investments received from abroad, including equity capital and intercompany loans.

  • 08:30

    Manufacturing Sales MoM Prel

    In Canada, Manufacturing Sales provides a current 'snapshot' of sales of goods manufactured values by the Canadian manufacturing sector, enabling analysis of the state of the Canadian economy, as well as the health of specific industries in the short- to medium-term.

  • 08:30

    Durable Goods Orders MoM


    Durable Goods Orders refer to new orders placed with manufacturers for delivery of hard goods which meant to last at least three years.

  • 08:30

    Durable Goods Orders Ex Transp MoM


    Durable Goods Orders Excluding Transportation refer to new orders placed with manufacturers for delivery of hard goods in the future excluding transportation orders.

  • 08:30

    Durable Goods Orders ex Defense MoM


    Durable Goods Orders Excluding Defense refer to new orders placed with manufacturers for delivery of hard goods in the future excluding defense orders.

  • 08:30

    Non Defense Goods Orders Ex Air


  • 08:00

    IPCA mid-month CPI MoM


  • 08:00

    IPCA mid-month CPI YoY


  • 08:00

    M3 Money Supply YoY


    Poland Money Supply M3 includes M2 plus long-term time deposits in banks.

  • 07:05

    BoJ Gov Kuroda Speech

    In Japan, interest rates are set by the Bank of Japan's Policy Board in its Monetary Policy Meetings. The BoJ's official interest rate is the discount rate. Monetary Policy Meetings produce a guideline for money market operations in inter-meeting periods and this guideline is written in terms of a target for the uncollateralized overnight call rate.

  • 07:00

    FGV Consumer Confidence


    IBRE/FGV's monthly Consumer Confidence Survey is designed to capture the sentiment of consumers about the general state of economy and their personal finances. Happy and optimistic consumers are likely to spend more; unhappy and pessimistic consumers spend less. Consumer confidence can thus operate to induce or reduce economic growth. Monitoring consumer sentiment can produce signals about future spending and saving that are useful for anticipating what will happen to the economy in the short run. The IBRE/FGV studies obtain, among other information, consumer assessments and forecasts about the local and family economic situation at the time and for the following months, employment prospects, and intentions and likelihood of buying high-value goods in the next six months. The Consumer Confidence Survey was started in 2002, and data are collected from over 2,000 informants in seven major state capitals: Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Porto Alegre, Recife, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo.

  • 07:00

    Balance of Trade


    Mexico's main exports are manufactured products (89 percent of total shipments) and oil and oil products (6 percent). Main imports are: metallic products, machinery and equipment (53 percent of total purchases), oil products (10 percent) and agricultural goods (3 percent). The country's top trading partner is the United States (80 percent of total exports and 46 percent of total imports). Others include: China, Japan and Germany. In 2017, trade between Mexico and the United States reached USD 522 billion, with Mexico posting a surplus of near USD 132 billion. Main exports to US include: other parts and accessories of vehicles (14 percent of total sales); trucks, buses and special purpose vehicles (10 percent); passenger cars (10 percent); computers (6 percent); telecommunication equipment (5 percent). Main imports from the United States are: other parts and accessories of vehicles (8 percent of total imports); electric apparatus (7 percent); petroleum products (6 percent) and computer accessories (6 percent). .

  • 07:00

    GDP Growth Rate QoQ Final


    In Mexico, services account for 62 percent of total GDP. The biggest segments within services are: wholesale and retail trade (16 percent); real estate (10 percent); transport, warehousing and communications (7 percent) and financial services and insurance (6 percent). Industry constitutes 18 percent of output and the largest segments within this sector are: automobile industry (4 percent of total GDP) and food industry (3.8 percent). The remaining share is divided by: construction, water, gas and electricity distribution (8 percent), mining (5 percent), government (4 percent ) and agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (3 percent).

  • 07:00

    GDP Growth Rate YoY Final


    Mexico is the second largest economy in Latin America. The country has an export-oriented economy: more than 90 percent of trade is under free trade agreements. In Mexico, services account for 62 percent of total GDP. The biggest segments within services are: wholesale and retail trade (16 percent); real estate (10 percent); transport, warehousing and communications (7 percent) and financial services and insurance (6 percent). Industry constitutes 18 percent of output and the largest segments within this sector are: automobile industry (4 percent of total GDP) and food industry (3.8 percent). The remaining share is divided by: construction, water, gas and electricity distribution (8 percent), mining (5 percent), government (4 percent ) and agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (3 percent).

  • 07:00

    Economic Activity MoM


    In Mexico, the overall index of economic activity measures the evolution of the real sector of the economy, in the short term, providing valuable information for decision-making.

  • 07:00

    Economic Activity YoY


    In Mexico, the overall index of economic activity measures the evolution of the real sector of the economy, in the short term, providing valuable information for decision-making.

  • 07:00

    MBA Mortgage Applications

    In the US, the MBA Weekly Mortgage Application Survey is a comprehensive overview of the nationwide mortgage market and covers all types of mortgage originators, including commercial banks, thrift institutions and mortgage banking companies. The entire market is represented by the Market Index which covers all mortgage applications during the week, whether for a purchase or to refinance. The survey covers over 75% of all US retail residential mortgage applications.

  • 07:00

    MBA 30-Year Mortgage Rate

    MBA 30-Year Mortgage Rate is average 30-year fixed mortgage lending rate measured during the reported week and backed by the Mortgage Bankers Association.

  • 07:00

    MBA Mortgage Refinance Index

    The MBA Weekly Mortgage Application Survey is a comprehensive overview of the nationwide mortgage market and covers all types of mortgage originators, including commercial banks, thrift institutions and mortgage banking companies. The entire market is represented by the Market Index which covers all mortgage applications during the week. This includes all conventional and government applications, all fixed-rate mortgages (FRMs), all adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), whether for a purchase or to refinance.

  • 07:00

    MBA Mortgage Market Index

    The MBA Weekly Mortgage Application Survey is a comprehensive overview of the nationwide mortgage market and covers all types of mortgage originators, including commercial banks, thrift institutions and mortgage banking companies. The entire market is represented by the Market Index which covers all mortgage applications during the week. This includes all conventional and government applications, all fixed-rate mortgages (FRMs), all adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), whether for a purchase or to refinance.

  • 07:00

    MBA Purchase Index

  • 06:00

    CBI Distributive Trades


    The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Distributive Trades Survey (DTS) measures the health of the retail sector. The reading is compiled from a survey of about 150 retail and wholesale companies. It includes measures of sales activity across the distributive trades. It is a leading indicator of consumer spending. The figure is the difference between the percentage of retailers reporting an increase in sales and those reporting a decrease.

  • 06:00

    Balance of Trade


    Luxembourg is an export-intensive economy. The country has traditionally imported most of its consumer goods and exported industrial products (steel). Exports now also include chemical and rubber products, finished glass and the most profitable financial services. The nation remains dependent on energy imports. European Union is by far its largest trading partner, accounting for about 84% of exports and 87% of imports.

  • 05:45

    ECB Lane Speech

    In the Euro Area, benchmark interest rate is set by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability which is to keep inflation below, but close to 2 percent over the medium term. In times of prolonged low inflation and low interest rates, ECB may also adopt non-standard monetary policy measures, such as asset purchase programmes. The official interest rate is the Main refinancing operations rate.

  • 05:30

    15-Year Bund Auction


  • 04:30

    Exports YoY


    Hong Kong has an export oriented economy with 99 percent of shipments coming from re-exports. Major exports are electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances which accounts for 36 percent of total shipments. Other exports include: telecommunications and sound equipment (20 percent); office and automatic data processing machines (10 percent); miscellaneous manufactured articles (5 percent) and non-metallic mineral manufactures (5 percent). Main export partners are China (40 percent), the United States (8 percent), Vietnam (6 percent), Singapore (5 percent), Taiwan and Macau.

  • 04:00

    Economic Sentiment Index


    In Switzerland, the CS-CFA Society Economic Sentiment Index measures the level of optimism that analysts have about the expected economic developments over the next 6 months. The survey covers up to 350 financial and economic analysts. The index is constructed as the difference between the percentage share of analysts that are optimistic and the percentage of analysts that are pessimistic about the development of the economy. Therefore, the ZEW indicator measures the confidence on a scale of -100 (all analysts expect the economy to deteriorate) up to 100 (all analysts expect it to improve). A 0 value indicates neutrality.

  • 04:00

    ECB President Lagarde Speech

    In the Euro Area, benchmark interest rate is set by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability which is to keep inflation below, but close to 2 percent over the medium term. In times of prolonged low inflation and low interest rates, ECB may also adopt non-standard monetary policy measures, such as asset purchase programmes. The official interest rate is the Main refinancing operations rate.

  • 03:00

    PPI YoY


    Producer prices change refers to year over year change in price of goods and services sold by manufacturers and producers in the wholesale market during a given period.

  • 03:00

    ECB Panetta Speech

    In the Euro Area, benchmark interest rate is set by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability which is to keep inflation below, but close to 2 percent over the medium term. In times of prolonged low inflation and low interest rates, ECB may also adopt non-standard monetary policy measures, such as asset purchase programmes. The official interest rate is the Main refinancing operations rate.

  • 02:45

    Consumer Confidence


    In France, the consumer confidence index is based on a survey of about 2 000 households. The questionnaire focuses on: past and future economic situation in France, past and future personal financial situation, unemployment, intention to make major purchases, current savings capacity and expected savings capacity. The indicator is calculated using factor analysis technique. The index is then calculated in a way to measure the current sentiment in relation to the historic index values of the period 1987-2011. A value over 110 indicates unusually high optimism and a value under 90 indicates unusually high pessimism. The value 100 indicates neutrality.

  • 02:30

    Non Farm Payrolls


    In Switzerland, Non Farm Payrolls include employee jobs in secondary and tertiary sectors, self-employed jobs, apprentices and business owners.

  • 02:00

    GfK Consumer Confidence


    The GfK Consumer Climate Indicator is based on a survey of 2000 individuals age 14 and above. The questionnaire focuses on income expectations, buying propensity and savings. The components of the indicator are calculated as the difference between positive and negative answers to the questions asked. Their value can vary between minus 100 and plus 100 points with 0 representing the long term average.

  • 02:00

    GDP Growth Rate QoQ Final


    Germany is the fifth largest economy in the world and the largest within the Euro Area. Germany is the second largest exporter in the world and exports account for more than one-third of national output. As such, the export of high added value products has been the main driver of growth in recent years. Composition of the GDP on the expenditure side: household consumption (55 percent), gross capital formation (20 percent, of which 10 percent in construction, 6 percent in machinery and equipment and 4 percent in other products) and government expenditure (19 percent). Exports of goods and services account for 46 percent of GDP while imports for 39 percent, adding 7 percent to total GDP.

  • 02:00

    GDP Growth Rate YoY Final


    The German economy - the fifth largest economy in the world and Europe's largest - is a leading exporter of machinery, vehicles, chemicals, and household equipment and benefits from a highly skilled labor force. Composition of the GDP on the expenditure side: household consumption (55 percent), gross capital formation (20 percent, of which 10 percent in construction, 6 percent in machinery and equipment and 4 percent in other products) and government expenditure (19 percent). Exports of goods and services account for 46 percent of GDP while imports account for 39 percent, adding 7 percent to total GDP.

  • 02:00

    Retail Sales YoY


    In Denmark, the year-over-year change in Retail sales compares the aggregated sales of retail goods and services during a certain month to the same month a year ago.

  • 02:00

    Retail Sales MoM


    In Denmark, the Retail sales report provides an aggregated measure of sales of retail goods and services over a specific time period. In Denmark, Retail sales are seasonal, volatile and relatively important to the overall economy.

  • 02:00

    PPI MoM


    In Sweden, the Producer Price Inflation MoM measures a month-over-month change in the price of goods and services sold by manufacturers and producers in the wholesale market.

  • 02:00

    PPI YoY


    Producer prices change refers to year over year change in price of goods and services sold by manufacturers and producers in the wholesale market during a given period.

  • 02:00

    Unemployment Rate


    In Sweden, the unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force.

  • 01:00

    Unemployment Rate


    In Finland, the unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force.

  • 01:00

    Leading Economic Index Final

    In Japan, the Leading Composite Index consists of 12 indexes such as account inventory ratios, machinery orders, stock prices and other leading economic indicators. The index anticipates changes in the direction of the Japanese economy in the coming months. In general, increase in the index reflects that the economy is in an expansion phase, and decreasing coincident index reflects that the economy is in a contraction phase. The index is used to make official judgement on when the business cycle begins and ends.

  • 01:00

    Coincident Index Final


    Coincident Index correlates with the business cycle, and is used to identify the current state of the economy. In general, increasing coincident index shows that the economy is in an expansion phase, and decreasing coincident index reflects that the economy is in a contraction phase. The index is calculated using month-over-month percentage changes in 11 leading indicators, 11 coincident indicators, and 6 lagging indicators.

  • 12:30

    Consumer Confidence


    In Norway, the Finance Norway and TNS Gallup consumer confidence survey measures the level of optimism that consumers have about the performance of the economy. Generally consumer confidence is high when the unemployment rate is low and GDP growth is high. Measures of average consumer confidence can be useful indicators of how much consumers are likely to spend.

  • 11:00

    RBNZ Press Conference

    In New Zealand, interest rates decisions are taken by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. The official interest rate is the Official Cash Rate (OCR). The OCR was introduced in March 1999 and is reviewed eight times a year by the Bank. The OCR influences the price of borrowing money in New Zealand and provides the Reserve Bank with a means of influencing the level of economic activity and inflation.

  • 10:00

    RBNZ Interest Rate Decision


    In New Zealand, interest rates decisions are taken by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. The official interest rate is the Official Cash Rate (OCR). The OCR was introduced in March 1999 and is reviewed eight times a year by the Bank. The OCR influences the price of borrowing money in New Zealand and provides the Reserve Bank with a means of influencing the level of economic activity and inflation.

  • 09:30

    Construction Work Done QoQ


    In Australia, construction output refers to the quarter-over-quarter change in the value of construction work done, including building and engineering for both the private and public sectors.

  • 08:00

    World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

  • 07:45

    RBA Ellis Speech

    In Australia, interest rates decisions are taken by the Reserve Bank of Australia's Board. The official interest rate is the cash rate. The cash rate is the rate charged on overnight loans between financial intermediaries, is determined in the money market as a result of the interaction of demand for and supply of overnight funds.

  • 05:00

    Business Confidence


    In South Korea, the Business Survey Index (BSI) in the manufacturing sector measures the level of optimism that business leaders have about the performance of the economy in the current month and their outlook for the following month. The Index is based on the survey of around 2800 companies in fifteen areas including sales, inventories, production facilities, prices, labor force and profitability. For each of the indicators measured, the net difference between the number of positive responses and the number of negative responses is computed. The BSI above 100 indicates an improving outlook and below 100 a deteriorating outlook.

  • 04:30

    API Crude Oil Stock Change

    Stocks of crude oil refer to the weekly change of the crude oil supply situation.

  • 02:00

    ECB President Lagarde Speech

    In the Euro Area, benchmark interest rate is set by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability which is to keep inflation below, but close to 2 percent over the medium term. In times of prolonged low inflation and low interest rates, ECB may also adopt non-standard monetary policy measures, such as asset purchase programmes. The official interest rate is the Main refinancing operations rate.

  • 01:00

    2-Year Note Auction

  • 12:20

    Fed Chair Powell Speech

    In the United States, the authority to set interest rates is divided between the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (Board) and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The Board decides on changes in discount rates after recommendations submitted by one or more of the regional Federal Reserve Banks. The FOMC decides on open market operations, including the desired levels of central bank money or the desired federal funds market rate.