• 11:45

    ECB President Lagarde Speech

    In the Euro Area, benchmark interest rate is set by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability which is to keep inflation below, but close to 2 percent over the medium term. In times of prolonged low inflation and low interest rates, ECB may also adopt non-standard monetary policy measures, such as asset purchase programmes. The official interest rate is the Main refinancing operations rate. .

  • 10:00

    12-Month BTF Auction

  • 10:00

    3-Month BTF Auction

  • 10:00

    6-Month BTF Auction

  • 09:00

    Foreign Exchange Reserves


    In Poland, Foreign Exchange Reserves are the foreign assets held or controlled by the country central bank. The reserves are made of gold or a specific currency. They can also be special drawing rights and marketable securities denominated in foreign currencies like treasury bills, government bonds, corporate bonds and equities and foreign currency loans.

  • 09:00

    Foreign Exchange Reserves


    In Russia, Foreign Exchange Reserves are the foreign assets held or controlled by the country central bank. The reserves are made of gold or a specific currency. They can also be special drawing rights and marketable securities denominated in foreign currencies like treasury bills, government bonds, corporate bonds and equities and foreign currency loans.

  • 07:30

    BCB Focus Market Readout

    In Brazil, interest rate decisions are taken by The Central Bank of Brazil's Monetary Policy Committee (COPOM). The official interest rate is the Special System of Clearance and Custody rate (SELIC) which is the overnight lending rate.

  • 07:00

    BBA Mortgage Rate


    In the United Kingdom, BBA Mortgage Rate refers to end month weighted average interest rate of UK monetary financial institutions (excl. Central Bank) sterling revert-to-rate mortgage to households. Mortgage priced at the standard variable rate.

  • 07:00

    Industrial Production YoY


    In Ireland, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Manufacturing is the most important sector and its biggest segments are: Basic pharmaceutical products and preparations (37 percent of total production); food products (18 percent); chemicals and chemical products (15 percent); computer,electronic,optical and electrical equipment (11 percent); other manufacturing, repair and installation of machinery and equipment (7 percent); and basic metals and fabricated metal products,machinery and equipment (5 percent).

  • 06:35

    12-Month Bubill Auction


  • 06:30

    3-Month Bubill Auction

  • 06:00

    Balance of Trade


    Greece reports regular trade deficits due to high volume of imports. Main imports are mineral fuels, machinery and transport equipment and chemicals. In recent years, the biggest trade deficits were recorded with Russia, Germany, China, Italy and France. Greece records trade surpluses with Turkey, Cyprus, United States, Algeria and United Arab Emirates.

  • 05:00

    Foreign Exchange Reserves


    In Singapore, Foreign Exchange Reserves are the foreign assets held or controlled by the country central bank. The reserves are made of gold or a specific currency. They can also be special drawing rights and marketable securities denominated in foreign currencies like treasury bills, government bonds, corporate bonds and equities and foreign currency loans.

  • 04:00

    Wholesale Prices MoM


    The wholesale price index reflects the prices trends for goods that are sold by wholesale enterprises. The prices of the 387 items contained in the basket of goods are surveyed at around 200 wholesale enterprises, which voluntarily provide approximately 1400 wholesale selling prices (exclusive VAT) every month.

  • 04:00

    Wholesale Prices YoY


    The wholesale price index reflects the prices trends for goods that are sold by wholesale enterprises. The prices of the 387 items contained in the basket of goods are surveyed at around 200 wholesale enterprises, which voluntarily provide approximately 1400 wholesale selling prices (exclusive VAT) every month.

  • 04:00

    Balance of Trade


    Austria's economy is dependent on foreign trade and closely linked to the economies of other EU countries, particularly Germany. The major export commodity in Austria is the automobile and its components, machinery and paper products. Austria imports mainly machinery and equipment, motor vehicles, chemicals, metal goods, oil and oil products and foodstuffs.

  • 04:00

    Foreign Exchange Reserves


    In Switzerland, Foreign Exchange Reserves are the foreign assets held or controlled by the country central bank. The reserves are made of gold or a specific currency. They can also be special drawing rights and marketable securities denominated in foreign currencies like treasury bills, government bonds, corporate bonds and equities and foreign currency loans.

  • 04:00

    Foreign Exchange Reserves


    In China, Foreign Exchange Reserves are the foreign assets held or controlled by the country central bank. The reserves are made of gold or a specific currency. They can also be special drawing rights and marketable securities denominated in foreign currencies like treasury bills, government bonds, corporate bonds and equities and foreign currency loans.

  • 04:00

    Industrial Production MoM


    In Czech Republic, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy such as manufacturing, mining, and utilities.

  • 04:00

    Construction Output YoY

    In Czech Republic, construction output refers to year over year change in construction work performed by enterprises whose principal activity is classified as construction.

  • 04:00

    Industrial Production YoY


    In Czech Republic, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy such as manufacturing, mining, and utilities.

  • 04:00

    Balance of Trade

    Czech Republic is intensively involved in international trade. It engages in the export of numerous manufactured goods that are used in the production of automobiles, furniture, and electrical appliances. Czech Republic imports mainly machinery and transportation equipment, raw materials, fuels and chemicals. European Union is by far its largest trading partner, accounting for about 83% of exports and 65% of imports.

  • 03:45

    Foreign Exchange Reserves


    In France, the international reserves include external assets that are directly and effectively controlled by the Banque de France, readily available, denominated in foreign currency and meeting the criterion of residency. Only claims on nonresident of the Euro-area are considered as reserve assets. The international reserve assets are recorded on the basis of gross reserve asset concept.

  • 03:00

    Industrial Production MoM


    In Germany, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Manufacturing is the most important sector and accounts for 79 percent of total production. The biggest segments within Manufacturing are: machinery and equipment (12 percent of total production); motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (12 percent); basic metals and fabricated metal products (10 percent); and computers, electronic and optical products and electrical equipment (10 percent). Construction accounts for 11 percent of total output; and energy production accounts for 10 percent.

  • 03:00

    Balance of Trade


    International trade makes a third of Finland’s GDP. Finnish principal exports are: telecommunications equipment, passenger cars and forestry products and paper and paperboard. Finnish principal imports are food stuffs, petroleum and petroleum products, chemicals, transport equipment, iron and steel, machinery, textile yarn and fabrics and grains. European Union makes 55 percent of the total trade. The largest trade flows are with Germany, Russia, Sweden, China and U.S.

  • 03:00

    Halifax House Price Index YoY


    The Halifax House Price Index is the UK's longest running monthly house price series with data covering the whole country going back to January 1983. From this data, a "standardized" house price is calculated and property price movements on a like -for-like basis (including seasonal adjustments) are analyzed over time.

  • 03:00

    Halifax House Price Index MoM


    The Halifax House Price Index is the UK's longest running monthly house price series with data covering the whole country going back to January 1983. From this data, a "standardized" house price is calculated and property price movements on a like -for-like basis (including seasonal adjustments) are analyzed over time.

  • 03:00

    Industrial Production YoY


    In Norway, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Extraction and related services is the most important sector and accounts for 67 percent of total production. The biggest segments within Extraction and related services are: Extraction of natural gas (31 percent of total output) and extraction of crude petroleum (30 percent). Manufacturing accounts for 27 percent of total production, mainly: food, beverages and tobacco (5 percent); refined petroleum, chemicals and pharmaceutical products (4 percent); machinery and equipment (3 percent); fabricated metal products (2 percent); ships, boats and oil platforms (2 percent); computer and electrical equipment (2 percent); repair, installation of machinery (2 percent); and rubber, plastic and mineral products (2 percent). Electricity, gas and steam account for 6 percent of total output; and Mining and quarrying account for 1 percent.

  • 03:00

    Industrial Production MoM


    In Norway, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Extraction and related services is the most important sector and accounts for 67 percent of total production. The biggest segments within Extraction and related services are: Extraction of natural gas (31 percent of total output) and extraction of crude petroleum (30 percent). Manufacturing accounts for 27 percent of total production, mainly: food, beverages and tobacco (5 percent); refined petroleum, chemicals and pharmaceutical products (4 percent); machinery and equipment (3 percent); fabricated metal products (2 percent); ships, boats and oil platforms (2 percent); computer and electrical equipment (2 percent); repair, installation of machinery (2 percent); rubber, plastic and mineral products (2 percent); and basic metals (2 percent). Electricity, gas and steam account for 6 percent of total output; and Mining and quarrying account for 1 percent.

  • 03:00

    Manufacturing Production YoY


    In Norway, manufacturing accounts for 27 percent of total production, mainly: food, beverages and tobacco (5 percent); refined petroleum, chemicals and pharmaceutical products (4 percent); machinery and equipment (3 percent); fabricated metal products (2 percent); ships, boats and oil platforms (2 percent); computer and electrical equipment (2 percent); repair, installation of machinery (2 percent); rubber, plastic and mineral products (2 percent); and basic metals (2 percent).

  • 03:00

    Manufacturing Production MoM


    In Norway, manufacturing accounts for 27 percent of total production, mainly: food, beverages and tobacco (5 percent); refined petroleum, chemicals and pharmaceutical products (4 percent); machinery and equipment (3 percent); fabricated metal products (2 percent); ships, boats and oil platforms (2 percent); computer and electrical equipment (2 percent); repair, installation of machinery (2 percent); rubber, plastic and mineral products (2 percent); and basic metals (2 percent).

  • 02:45

    Unemployment Rate


    In Switzerland, the unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force.

  • 02:00

    Foreign Exchange Reserves


    In South Africa, Foreign Exchange Reserves are the foreign assets held or controlled by the country central bank. The reserves are made of gold or a specific currency. They can also be special drawing rights and marketable securities denominated in foreign currencies like treasury bills, government bonds, corporate bonds and equities and foreign currency loans.

  • 01:00

    Leading Economic Index Prel

    In Japan, the Leading Composite Index consists of 12 indexes such as account inventory ratios, machinery orders, stock prices and other leading economic indicators. The index anticipates changes in the direction of the Japanese economy in the coming months. In general, increase in the index reflects that the economy is in an expansion phase, and decreasing coincident index reflects that the economy is in a contraction phase. The index is used to make official judgement on when the business cycle begins and ends.

  • 01:00

    Coincident Index Prel

    Coincident Index correlates with the business cycle, and is used to identify the current state of the economy. In general, increasing coincident index shows that the economy is in an expansion phase, and decreasing coincident index reflects that the economy is in a contraction phase. The index is calculated using month-over-month percentage changes in 11 leading indicators, 11 coincident indicators, and 6 lagging indicators.

  • 09:45

    Caixin Services PMI


    The Caixin China General Services PMI (Purchasing Managers' Index) is based on data compiled from monthly replies to questionnaires sent to purchasing executives in over 400 private service sector companies. The index tracks variables such as sales, employment, inventories and prices. A reading above 50 indicates that the services sector is generally expanding; below 50 indicates that it is generally declining.

  • 09:45

    Caixin Composite PMI


    In China, the Caixin China Composite Output Index tracks business trends across private sector activity, based on data collected from a representative panel of around 400 companies. The index tracks variables such as sales, new orders, employment, inventories and prices. A reading above 50 indicates expansion in business activity and below 50 indicates that it is generally declining.

  • 08:30

    Retail Sales MoM Final


    In Australia, the Retail sales report provides an aggregated measure of sales of retail goods and services over a specific time period. In Australia, Retail sales are seasonal, volatile and relatively important to the overall economy.

  • 08:30

    Markit PMI


    The IHS Markit Singapore Purchasing Managers’ Index™ (PMI™) is based on data compiled from monthly replies to questionnaires sent to executives in over 400 private sector companies including manufacturing, services, construction and retail. Survey responses reflect the change, if any, in the current month compared to the previous month based on data collected mid-month. An index reading above 50 indicates an overall increase in private sector activity, below 50 an overall decrease.

  • 08:00

    TD-MI Inflation Gauge MoM


    In Australia, the Melbourne Institute Monthly Inflation Gauge estimates month-to-month price movements for a wide range of goods and services across the capital cities of Australia. It aims to provide financial markets and policy-makers with regular updates on trends in inflation. The report is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ methodology for calculating the quarterly consumer price index.

  • 08:00

    Waitangi Day (substitute day)

  • 05:30

    Ai Group Services Index


    The Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Services Index (Australian PSI®) is a leading indicator of services activity in the Australian economy. The Australian PSI is a seasonally adjusted national composite index based on the diffusion indices for sales, orders/new business, deliveries, inventories and employment with varying weights. An Australian PSI® reading above 50 points indicates that services activity is generally expanding; below 50, that it is declining. The distance from 50 is indicative of the strength of the expansion or decline. Results are based on a sample of around 200 companies each month.

  • 05:30

    Ai Group Services Index

    The Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Services Index (Australian PSI®) is a leading indicator of services activity in the Australian economy. The Australian PSI is a seasonally adjusted national composite index based on the diffusion indices for sales, orders/new business, deliveries, inventories and employment with varying weights. An Australian PSI® reading above 50 points indicates that services activity is generally expanding; below 50, that it is declining. The distance from 50 is indicative of the strength of the expansion or decline. Results are based on a sample of around 200 companies each month.